Light Path

This is a project focusing on not only the behavior of different types of species, but also the behavior and construction way of the materials. The target is to create a food chain rather than a habitat, utilizing the wax, which has typical properties in physics and biology. In the daytime, the whole structure looks like a landscape. At night, with the special night-light, each wax egg declares as a glow, at the same time attracting the insects as well as leading the path for some creatures like geckos. From the prefabricated unit to the whole, the rope structure is the principal line. Using various ways to fix the unit to the site, it is more closely combined with nature.

Soho Palazzo

The Palazzo in Ebisu is located in a vivid area of the city, with a walking distance from Shibuya and a numerous schools and shopping streets nearby. The conceptual idea and aim for this building is to be the heart of this area where people of different ages, ideas and profession can meet and integrate with each other and the city.
Walking from Shibuya you meet the northern short end facade of glass and bricks from where you can choose to go along the green river side or the urban street side. From Meiji Dori Street you can enter the building through two main entrances that leads through the whole building and connects the riverside with the street. This circulation through the building is also the place where people and function meets and integrate.
The main function of this building is the SOHO, small office/home office, which provide a living and working space for self employed or small companies. The idea to put many small but luxurious SOHO’s is not only to finance the building but to create a platform for young entrepreneurs to develop relationships and share ideas that could benefit the city.