In Japan, there is a religious space as an open space that is closely related to the lives of ur- ban citizens. Not only during the festival, but it is also a space like a public square where nearby people gather in daily life.
The annual festival is the most important ritual held annually at shrines. The annual festival is held once a year, often on a day that people can gather this public space.
at th same time, A mikoshi is a sacred reli- gious palanquin (also translated as a portable Shinto shrine). Shinto followers believe that it serves as the vehicle to transport a deity in Japan while moving between the main shrine and temporary shrine during a festival or when moving to a new shrine. Often, the mikoshi resembles a miniature building, with pillars, walls, a roof, a veranda, and a railing.
During a matsuri (Japanese festival) involving a mikoshi, people bear the mikoshi on their shoulders by means of two, four (or some- times, rarely, six) poles. They bring the mikoshi from the shrine, carry it around the neighbor- hoods that worship at the shrine, and in many cases leave it in a designate.
Student: Miyuki Watanabe
Waste Disposal
While in the early Meji Period the disposal of waste was part of a spatially limited and circular network, linking agricultural fields with markets and houses, and from there, when not recycled, again to the fields, the economic and demographic growth of the post-war period, especially in Tokyo, saw the introduction of public waste collection, primarily disposed of in landfills. This unilinear processing from production to consumption began to be increasingly called into question, starting in the mid-1980’s with the introduction of a new recycling system involving an evermore refined rubbish separation for recyclable goods, the exploitation of mix-waste for energy in large power stations, and hazardous waste being exported and reprocessed overseas. The waste-management system has thus evolved into a large, complex, and sometimes invisible chain involving multiple actors. Waste is no longer perceived as either a purely homogenous and useful resource or solely as landfill material, but rather as consisting of different constituents with varying values and repurposing potentials.
Gae Hiuse / Atelier Bow-Wow
Mosquito Net
The primary and original goal of a mosquito net, or amido in Japanese, is to keep out insects, to protect the interior of the house from undesired outside intruders. As such it is a useful boundary device that complements other similar types, such as the screen or the wall, while still letting in light or air. Yet as the lightest and most transparent of barrier mechanisms, the mosquito net also allows a series of non-intended interactions, emotional as well as physical, ranging from the gentle to the aggressive: allowing the observer to see without being seen, allowing a nasty mosquito to bite without encroaching. Much more than a simple boundary, the mosquito net is a lively interface.